Friday, July 01, 2011

Is it Legal to Video Cops on the Job?

Hetep and Respect Better Carful and Carloz. Great poll and piece clipped

Carloz you know my position on the thin line between cops and criminals. We the public must make it clear if a cops does a crime he/she should get twice the time.

"Although I know it is not illegal under present Mississippi law,

This is America, it is illegal all over the country even in Mississippi.

Any cop or other public servant trying to stop or arrest a citizen in the recording of the public's business. Should be fired at minimum and/or receive a 10,000 fine or five years in jail.

History has demonstrated that to protect citizens and good police officers Camera's should be on all police cars and officers should be required to where camera badges. Any cop who turns of a car or badge camera should be fired and bared from law enforcement for life.

Amplify’d from

Hetep and Respect Better Carful and Carloz. Great poll and piece clipped

Carloz you know my position on the thin line between cops and criminals. We the public must make it clear if a cops does a crime he/she should get twice the time.

"Although I know it is not illegal under present Mississippi law,

This is America, it is illegal all over the country even in Mississippi.

Any cop or other public servant trying to stop or arrest a citizen in the recording of the public's business. Should be fired at minimum and/or receive a 10,000 fine or five years in jail.

History has demonstrated that to protect citizens and good police officers Camera's should be on all police cars and officers should be required to where camera badges. Any cop who turns of a car or badge camera should be fired and bared from law enforcement for life.

POLL: Should it be made legal to video or record law enforcement officers on the job?

In Abington, Massachusetts a driver secretly tape-records a traffic stop and later takes the audio recording to the police station as evidence for a misconduct complaint. He is arrested for violating the state's wiretapping law.


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