Thursday, October 06, 2011

GOP Voter Suppression 96-Year-Old Woman Denied Voting ID

We the 99% must keep up with and throw light on every incident of criminal voter suppression by the Republican. We must insist that the justice department investigate and prosecute the guilt.

Voter Suppression, IMHO, is the second highest crime in the nation after treason and the penalty for both should be the same (I am against all death penalty's).

Any public official who does this crime should get twice the time.

Amplify’d from

Injustice! 96-Year-Old Woman Denied Voting ID

A 96-year old Tennessee woman has become the latest example of the GOP’s fight to suppress voters from heading to the polls.
Dorothy Cooper is 96 but she can remember only one election when she’s been eligible to vote but hasn’t.

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