Thursday, February 09, 2012

Is Michelle Obama the fittest First Lady in the History of the United States?

While this is a funny video, the take home message is you and I really can't sit on the couch and tell the children to go outside and run around. Who do you think wins this White House fitness face off?

Now this does not seem fair, a grown man against a woman.

Michelle Obama Jimmy Fallon Let's Move Face Off
Let's Go To The Video Tape

IMHO, Easily Mrs. Obama is the fittest first lady in the history of the United States. It is great to see her motivating our children and giving us elders a lesson in leading by example.

On a serious fitness note, if you want to see how fit the First Lady really is, check out the Michelle Obama vs. Ellen DeGeneres face off Click Here 2:49 min. Which one could you beat at push ups?

P.S. does anyone have some videos of other fit first Lady's?

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