Thursday, October 12, 2006

Dying While Black

Dying While Black
Author: Vernellia R. Randall
ISBN 0977916006
Publication Date: October, 2006
292 pages; $19.95; references; notes; index
Publisher: Seven Principles Press
Speaking Engagements or Book-signings:

One of the most significant issues to be addressed by health community is inequalities in health and health care for minorities, particularly African Americans. African Americans still suffer from the generational effect of a slave health deficit. African Americans lag behind on nearly every health indicator, including life expectancy, death rates, infant mortality, low birth weight rates and disease rates. African Americans are sicker than European Americans. Blacks have shorter lives - Blacks are quite literally dying from being black! This black health deficit is directly traceable to the slave health deficit. The slave health deficit that was established during slavery was not relieved during the reconstruction period (1865-1870), Jim Crow Era (1870-1965) , the Affirmative Action Era
(1965-1980) or the Racial entrenchment era (1980 to present). Also, established at the time was a health care deficit that continues to exist.

Repairing the health of African Americans will require a multifaceted long term legal and financial commitment. Reparations is not merely a monetary cash payment, Reparation is also an equitable remedy that requires that the harm be repaired not that money be paid. The United States government because of its legal sanction of slavery, an international crime against humanity, is obligate to do whatever it takes to repair black health. Dying While Black proposes a specific program of equitable, rather than compensatory, reparations including a comprehensive health care civil rights law.

Please Forward.

Vernellia R. Randall
Professor of Law and Director,
Academic Excellence Program
Phone: (937) 229-3378
Fax: (937) 229-2469

Upcoming Book: Dying While Black

Race, Racism and the Law

Race, Health Care and the Law

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