Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Michelle Obama Improves the Nation's Cultural Health (Video)

On day one of the Democratic National convention Michelle hits the ball out of the park. If you missed the speech here it is, a Culturally Healthy view of American family values and America's future.

Michelle Obama's Speech, what can I say, tears in the eyes again, she hit the ball out of the park. I learned about her father and mother and her work history. Her story and her choosing work focused on helping others demonstrates that she is a cultural citizen who believes in America and believes in what the world can be.

I give day one of the Democratic convention a political "A". The pundits said that Americans need to know more about Obama. I learned more about Michelle and Barack like everyone watching. My take home messages were Party Unity and Michelle is a mom who loves her children and the country's children.

As a Cultural Health practitioner I am always interested in the cultural orientation of Americans. One way to learn more about Michell and Cultural Health is to read her Princeton thesis. Click Here

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