Friday, March 09, 2012

Author Believes Complementary and Alternative Medicine Belong in CCOs

Oregon is on the cusp of major reforms to its health care system. One of the key changes citizens can expect is the introduction of Coordinated Care Organizations (CCOs), initially for Oregon Health Plan members.

CCOs are designed to remove barriers and increase quality for patients seeking health care services by coordinating services at a local level. Ideally, Coordinated care organizations will create an environment where all providers involved in an individual’s care have access to all the information necessary to ensure that services are not duplicated and complement, rather than take away from, the patient’s overall health and wellness. This is expected to lead to significant cost savings and increased patient satisfaction and health."

Author Believes Complementary and Alternative Medicine Belong in CCOs  "
'via Blog this'

Aunk's Commentary, CCo's are a good opportunity  to start ACA (Affordable Care Act) from it's 1.0 status as a national sick care plan to a national health care plan. What we patients need in not isolated medical care (Allopatic and "alternative) like MediPlex is forcing us to have, but integrative medicine that includes all disciplines a patient wants in his/her care mix.

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