Wednesday, February 27, 2008

At The End of Black History Month You Need A Great and Mighty Walk

A Great and Mighty Walk - Dr John Henrik Clarke - An introduction - see the trailer below. Listen especially to Dr. Clarke's famous definition of history as a clock and a compus.

This video chronicles the life and times of the noted African-American historian, scholar and Pan-African activist John Henrik Clarke (1915-1998). Both a biography of Clarke himself and an overview of 5,000 years of African history, the film offers a provocative look at the past through the eyes of a leading proponent of an Afrocentric view of history. From ancient Egypt and Africa�s other great empires, Clarke moves through Mediterranean borrowings, the Atlantic slave trade, European colonization, the development of the Pan-African movement, and present-day African-American history.

Source: House of Nubian

As we leave Black History month, if you have not taken the great and mighty walk with our honorable ancestor you should put this walk in your Cultural Literacy plans. There should be no Cultural Soldiers anywhere on the planet that do not know his name and sing the praises of his work.


Black History Month in America, too often tries to teach Black history as if it started in America. One of the most important aspects of Dr. Clarke's work is that he starts teaching the recorded history of Black People from the beginning as is natural. See a short example below.

Note the section on the great Dr. Diop and his 1974 destruction of the White Kemetian (Egyptian) myth at UNISCO (United Nations body of world scholars).

And so History must be understood in context without the Cultural Poisoning inserted in its teaching when I was going to school. I remember when I first learned that Nile Vally Civilization was more then 10,000 years old and Kemet (Egypt) was in its 24th dynasty when the first 'European" book of note was written. It is interesting to note, how failing to understand the relationship of Classical African Civilization to Classical European Civilization can throw your historical clock off and cause one's cultural compass to point in an erroneous direction.

If Black history was properly Incorporated in world history, Black History month would not be necessary. Until then, we Cultural Soldiers can be found on the battle field. I will see you next Black History Month, if we still need one.

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