Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day - My Dad and My Culture

This day is not just the first big barbecue day of the summer. It is a day to remember and honor our country's fallen and our Culture's fallen. On this day I especially remember my dad in World War II, and his fathers in World War Zero.
Newsvine - Memorial Day - My Dad and My Culture


Shelia said...

Absolutely Aunk, very nice tribute. I can truly appreciate the sentiment.

I've been really busy as of late and have not taken the time to at least pop by and say hello. I hope that all is well and that life treating you kind.

Take Care,~~Shelia

Shelia said...

Oh! Handsome dad :).

Aunk said...

Hetep and Respect Shelia, good to see you. Thank you for your thoughtful comments.

I know that busy feeling. Usually as summer comes I am out doors and away from the computer more. However, I just got my fist vista machine and other equipment that will keep me plugged in for some weeks getting up to speed and moving everything over.

P.S. In case you don't know, this is the best time of year to pay 50 cents on the dollar for new computers (End of model year).

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