Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Should Obama Choose Hillary As VP (Poll)

The Democrat's  made history  and  headlines around the world with  Obama's  primary win.  Now the question is Hillary and unity.

I watched the historic coverage of Obama making the numbers and becoming the Presumptive Nominee of the Democratic Party. Wow, this is a proud moment in American history and a hopefull time at home and in the world. In fact, a quick look at front pages of News Papers at home and abroad, Obama is the front page lead in what seems like every paper in the world. Overnight Obama has become one of the best known names  in  the world.

It is remarkable to note, that In one act of the American people, National Cultural Health at home and abroad has been dramatically improved.

One chapter closes and the real hard work begins. The first big question before Obama is Hillary's role and party unity for the five month general election campaign.  I  think we have heard the answer in Hillary's speech and Obama's speech.

Obama said:

This is the moment we start to provide health care for our sick
This is my number one issue, so this was music to my ears.

In case you missed the speech

Barack Obama Democratic Nomination Victory Speech

Hillary said, she wants health care to be central in whatever she does going forward. I think a deal will  be cut and Hillary will play a leadership role in getting universal health care started in  Obama's  first  term.  The  question is,  will  she  lead  the health care charge  as  VP  or in some other role?

In case you missed Hillary's speech.

Hillary Clinton Speech New York June 3rd 2008 Part 1 of 3

Whatever the outcome, if I was in a fight, I would want Hillary and Bill on my team. One thing the Obama campaign has demonstrated, is his extraordinary organizational skills and good judgment. Here is his judgment's first and possibly most important test. What would you do?

To Vote in the poll Click Here

Zemanta Pixie

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