Saturday, March 19, 2011

Regulators Aware of Nuclear Plant Risks

This picture of the seismic Risks in the United States is worth a thousand words.

The Indian Point plant in New York should be shut down. To evacuate a 50 mile area like in Japan would mean 17 million people would have to move, impossible.

Solution: Replace plant with Wind Power. If we have an earth quake the windmills will fall down. We having been smart, will just stand them up again in stead of glowing bright orange.

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Regulators Aware For Years Of Understated Seismic Risks To Nuclear Plants

Nearly six years before an earthquake ravaged Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, U.S. regulators came to a sobering realization: seismic risks to nuclear plants in the eastern two-thirds of the country were greater than had been suspected, and engineers might have to rethink reactor designs.

Thus began a little-noticed risk assessment process with far-reaching implications despite its innocuous-sounding name: Generic Issue 199. The process, which was supposed to have been finished nearly a year ago, is still under way. It is unclear when it will be completed.GI-199, as it is known, was triggered by new geophysical data and computer models showing that, as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission put it in an August 2010 summary document, “estimates of the potential for earthquake hazards for some nuclear power plants in the Central and Eastern United States may be larger than previous estimates.”


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